The Purpose of a Beta Reader
FOR WRITERS: The point of a beta reader is not to go through your manuscript with a fine tooth comb and pull up all your mistakes (that's what proof readers are for) although if they do point out one or two big ones here or there it can't hurt. A beta reader is there to be your controlled first impression; they give you feedback on what they thought of the plot and characters, they give you insight as to how your readers might interpret different themes, how they may feel about certain scenes and help you see your story from an outside perspective - they are your test subjects and your book is the experiment - it's a safe way to get an idea of what you can expect from your readership and it is absolutely necessary. Once you've written your first draft and edited it, it's ready for someone to read (definitely NOT a potential publisher) you should trust these people enough to keep anything you send them to themselves and to give you honest feedback. I say people ...